Fixed deposits (FD) and debt mutual funds are two popular investment options that are suitable for risk-averse investors. Both of them offer attractive returns and liquidity. But which one is better for NRIs? In this article, we will compare Non-Resident External (NRE) FD and Debt Mutual Funds on various parameters and help you decide which one suits your needs and goals better.
What is Non-Resident External (NRE) FD?
NRE FD is a type of bank deposit that allows you to park your foreign currency earnings in India in INR and earn interest on them. The interest earned on NRE FD is tax-free in India and can be repatriated (transferred) to a foreign country without any restrictions.
The minimum tenure of NRE FD is one year, and the maximum is 10 years. The interest rates on NRE FD vary from bank to bank and depend on the tenure and amount of deposit. NRE FDs may offer interest as high as 8% (tax-free in India)!
What is a Debt Mutual Fund?
A debt mutual fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in fixed-income securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds, treasury bills, commercial papers, etc. These funds aim to offer regular income and the potential for capital appreciation.
The returns on debt funds depend on the interest rates, credit quality, and maturity of the underlying securities. They are subject to market risk, credit risk, and interest rate risk.
Key Differences Between NRE FD and Debt Mutual Fund
The following table summarises the key differences between NRE FD and Debt Mutual Fund on various parameters:
What Should NRIs Choose: NRE FD or Debt Mutual Fund?
The choice between NRE FD and Debt Mutual Fund depends on your risk appetite, return expectation, and investment horizon. Here are some general guidelines to help you decide:
Scenarios Where NRE FD Works Better
NRE FD works better in the following scenarios:
You have a low-risk tolerance and prefer a fixed and assured income.
You have a short to long-term investment horizon (1 to 10 years).
You want to avoid the hassle of filing tax returns in India and paying tax on your income.
You want to transfer your money back to your foreign country without any restrictions or delays.
Scenarios Where Debt Mutual Funds Work Better
Debt Mutual Funds work better in the following scenarios:
You have a low to moderate-risk appetite and seek a higher return potential.
You have a short to medium-term investment horizon (up to 5 years).
You are comfortable with the market fluctuations and credit quality of the underlying securities.
Debt mutual funds are tax efficient, as the capital gains are taxed only on redemption.
NRE FD and Debt Mutual Funds are both viable investment options for NRIs, but they have different features, benefits, and drawbacks. If your intention is to invest in liquid funds as a means to cover emergency expenses, then that's a suitable choice.
However, if your goal involves investing in debt funds for the purpose of asset allocation or to potentially achieve better returns than FDs, it's crucial to be aware of a significant factor - for NRIs, taxes are deducted at the source from capital gains.
Thus, choose the one that matches your risk profile, return expectation, investment duration, and tax situation. You should also diversify your portfolio across different asset classes and instruments to optimise your returns and reduce your risk.
You may also consult with a financial advisor who can provide personalised guidance based on individual circumstances. Happy Investing!
It's important to note, when diversifying your investment portfolio, it's crucial to understand different asset types, such as debt mutual funds and FDs. To avoid common diversification mistakes, read our blog here.
Many NRIs unknowingly make mistakes in choosing between FDs and mutual funds, which can significantly impact long-term returns. Read more on Mistake NRIs does while investing in India on our detailed blog.