Investing in India
made easy for NRIs

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It is mandatory for all financial transactions & investing in India.
It is mandatory for all financial transactions & investing in India for non-Indian passport holders.
Open account in any of the leading Indian banks with zero hassle.
"It was easy to sign up."
"Niche product targeting a very problematic area for NRI investors."
"Hassle-free platform for investing in India for NRIs."
"Great product and customer support."
"Easy to buy and track."
"Good job in getting the account setup."
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10% off on India Tax Filing
Smart Investing Access
Standard Support
Free Annual Portfolio Review
Early Access to new Features
Discounts on all NRI & Tax Services
Best Value ❤️
ZERO transaction charges
India Tax Filing at just $1
Smart Investing Access
24/7 Priority Support
FREE Annual Portfolio Review
Early Access to new Features
Discounts on all NRI & Tax Services
Portfolio value should be more than ₹5 Lacs
ZERO platform fees for 1 Year
then ₹3999/year
Smart Investing Access
Standard Support
1:1 financial assessment
Early New Features Access
Amazon $100 Gift Card for first 100 customers only
ZERO platform fees if you invest above 5 Lakhs
Smart Investing Access
Standard Support
Zero platform fees for lifetime
Early New Features Access
Best Value ❤️
ZERO platform fees for lifetime
if you invest above ₹5 Lakhs
Smart Investing Access
24/7 Priority Support
1:1 financial assessment
Early New Features Access
NRI investing in India is cumbersome, difficult to start with and needs local insights for making investment choices. We simplify the operational challenges and provide deep market understanding to guide you at each step. Inri is your personal wealth advisor and offer a one-stop platform to invest in India.
India is set to be the world’s fastest growing major economy of this decade. Index funds in India have grown 73% vs 42% growth of US Index in the last 5 years. With the Fed increasing interest rates, US equities have taken a hit but Indian markets are still strong. With India’s young talent and strong capital inflows, India is on the path towards becoming a global superpower.
One has to pay taxes in India for the income and capital gains accrued in India. You may have to declare it in your foreign country to avoid double taxation. We streamline the entire process and take care of your tax fillings so that you don’t get mired in tax hassles.
iNRI offers regular mutual funds to provide you with expert guidance and personalized investment recommendations. Unlike direct funds, where you manage everything independently, investing through iNRI includes ongoing portfolio reviews and professional support to ensure your investments align with your financial goals. This approach helps you optimize returns while knowing that your portfolio is being monitored by experts.